Johnny Depp interpreta un clásico de Bob Dylan por el Covid-19 y George Floyd

El actor interpretó el tema desde su casa.

El actor y músico estadounidense, Johnny Depp, hizo un cover de ‘The Times They Are a-Changin’, tema de Bob Dylan, y quiso compartir el video en sus redes sociales acompañado de un extenso mensaje en el que asegura que la canción encaja en estos tiempos marcados por la lucha contra la pandemia por el Covid-19 y la muerte de George Floyd, un ciudadano afroamericano muerto a manos de un policía en Estados Unidos.

«La canción de Dylan se aplica al Covid-19, y también a la imagen de George Floyd que nos alterará para siempre nuestras vidas … Para mí, se aplica al momento en que estamos… Se aplica a todo lo anterior y todo lo posterior y todo lo que será», escribió en su cuenta de Instagram.

Y agregó: «Tomemos un momento para recordar a George Floyd y mirar con esperanza los cambios que causará su trágica muerte. Y saludemos al reacio profeta Bob Dylan y al sueño de cambio que inspiró entonces, ahora y en adelante … Su impacto es como el de Shakespeare, Marlowe, Hunter Thompson, Marlon Brando, Woody Guthrie, William Blake, Picasso, Bach y Mozart. ¡La canción de Dylan debe mantenerse contigo en todo momento!».

Two months before the world was subjected to the shocking live coverage of the merciless, bloodthirsty and public daylight murder of JFK in Nov. 1963, Bob Dylan sat down to write a song… He had a particular idea in mind, which he recorded mere weeks before Kennedy’s tragic Assassination. Dylan had already achieved stratospheric acclaim from his treasure-producing workmanship and poetic abilities. He had already jacked up the bar of songwriting to an untouchable level. He also became a reluctant prophet, which can be quite an occupational hazard…Yet he remained himself while dodging all manner of con artists, bloodsuckers, angles, arrows, ignorance, injustices, and scrutinization of his life. His intentions remained pure. So he sat down and wrote the gold standard of protest songs, the seminal and most significant, mind boggling and staggeringly poetic, prophetic protest song the world will ever know: “The Times They Are A-Changin’”. Dylan’s song applies to Covid-19, it also, very strongly applies to the life altering image of George Floyd, forever seared to our brains… For me, it applies to the moment we are in, it applies to the moment they were in in 1963, it applies to everything before and everything since and everything that will be. I chose to perform this song live, for my friend @drbarbarasturm Covid benefit several weeks ago… I didn’t really know how to play it, but I figured I’d give it a shot, as it seemed to apply so well. And it applies now, more than ever. It was performed a couple of weeks before our collective paralysis was rendered complete by the images of our fellow human George Floyd being cruelly and brutally tortured to death on live TV. Let us take a moment to remember the sacrificial hero George Floyd and look with hope towards the changes that his tragic death will cause. And let’s salute the reluctant prophet Bob Dylan and the dream of change he inspired then, now, and onwards… His impact is that of Shakespeare, Marlowe, Hunter Thompson, Marlon Brando, Woody Guthrie, William Blake, Picasso, Bach and Mozart. Dylan’s song is to be kept near you, AT ALL TIMES!!! All love and respect, JD

Una publicación compartida de Johnny Depp (@johnnydepp) el 7 Jun, 2020 a las 2:08 PDT

Johnny Depp, de 57 años de edad, es conocido por su participación en populares producciones como ‘Piratas del Caribe’, ‘Charlie y la fábrica de chocolate’ (2005), ‘El joven manos de tijera’ (1990), ‘Alicia en el país de las maravillas’ (2010), ‘Animales fantásticos y dónde encontrarlos’ (2016), ‘Enemigos públicos’ (2009), ‘Sombras tenebrosas’ (2012), ‘El llanero solitario’ (2013), entre otras.

En 2004 estuvo nominado a los Premios Oscar como ‘Mejor actor’ por ‘Piratas del caribe: la maldición del perla negra’. 

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